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《John and Jack》At Home PPT教学课件

《John and Jack》At Home PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《John and Jack》At Home PPT教学课件《John and Jack》At Home PPT教学课件

《John and Jack》At Home PPT教学课件



This is Mary’s family. After dinner, Mary’s mother talks on the phone. Mary’s father watches TV. Mary’s grandfather reads books. Mary’s brother draws a picture. Mary plays with her teddy bear. They are a happy family. 


Hello, my name is Yang Ping. I am a girl. I’m ten years old. I brush my teeth and wash my face in the morning. I have breakfast at 7:00. Then I go to school. After school, I do my homework. In the evening, I help my mum and dad. 

(一) 根据短文内容填空。

1. I’m ________ years old. 

2. I brush my teeth and   __________________ in the morning. 

3. I ____________________ at 7:00. 

4. I ____________________ after school. 

5. In the evening, I ______________________________.

(二) 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

(  ) 1. Yang Ping is a girl. 

(  ) 2. Yang Ping washes her hair in the morning. 

(  ) 3. After breakfast, Yang Ping goes to school. 

(  ) 4. After school, Yang Ping plays with her friends. 

(  ) 5. Yang Ping plays on the computer in the evening. 


toys, catch,  on,  fun,  with 

1. My sister plays with her  ________.

2. What do you do ________ Sunday?

3. Saturday is ________.

4. He plays ________ his friends. 

5. We play ________ with a ball.


例:—What do you do in the morning?  

—I put on my clothes.  

1. —What do you do in the evening?  


2. —__________________ at home?  


3. —_______________________ ?  


4. —________________ on Sunday?  


5. —________________ on Saturday?  


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