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《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT

《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT 详细介绍:

《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT

《New and Old》The Clothes We Wear PPT


What is the difference between the two pictures? 

1. New or old? 

This is a new sweater.

This is an old sweater.

These are new trousers.

These are old trousers.

... ... ...

New and OldPPT,第二部分内容:知识讲解

知识点 1

is /ɪz/ v. (动词) 是

例句:She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。

形近词:it 它

用法:用于he, she, it及单数可数名词和不可数名词后。

知识点 2

new /njuː/ adj. (形容词) 新的

例句:This is a new shirt.这是一件新衬衫。

知识点 3

are /ɑː/ v. (动词) 是 

例句:We are students. 我们是学生。



用法:用于we, you, they以及复数名词后。 

魔法记忆:我 (I) 用am, 你 (you) 用are, is跟着他 (he)、她 (she)、它 (it), 遇到复数要用are。

... ... ...

New and OldPPT,第三部分内容:当堂检测


1. 当别人对你说“ I like your shirt.”时,你应该说:_____

A. Thanks.    B. You’re welcome.   C. Yes, it is.

2. “你的裙子是新的吗?”应该问:_____

A. Do your skirt new?  B. Is your skirt new?

C. Do your skirt old?


(  ) Yes! They’re my favourite trousers.

(  ) Are they new?

(  ) Thanks.

(  ) I like your trousers.

... ... ...

New and OldPPT,第四部分内容:课堂小结


重点词汇:is  new  are  old  they 

重点句式:I like your skirt.

Is it new?

Are they new?

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