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《What does your mother do?》Family PPT

《What does your mother do?》Family PPT 详细介绍:

《What does your mother do?》Family PPT《What does your mother do?》Family PPT《What does your mother do?》Family PPT《What does your mother do?》Family PPT《What does your mother do?》Family PPT

《What does your mother do?》Family PPT,共23页。

Watch and answer.

How many members are there in Wang Hong’s family? Who are they?


I can answer.

1. What does your mother do?

2.What does your father do?

... ... ...

I can repeat.

Open your books and turn to page 66, let’s listen and repeat .


I can read.

1.Read it by yourselves!


2. Read it in pairs.


... ... ...

Let’s talk.

A: What does your mother do?

B: She’s a _______.

A: What does your father do?

B: He’s a _______.

... ... ...

Family Tree


Step 1: Make your family tree in groups. (小组合作制作家庭树)

Step 2: Introduce your family in your group.(小组内互相介绍家庭成员外貌以及职业)

Step 3: Show time.(展示成果)

... ... ...


1. Listen and repeat. (听音跟读)

2. Find more words about jobs. (搜集更多有关职业的单词) 

关键词:鲁科版英语四年级上册PPT课件免费下载,What does your mother do? PPT下载,Family PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《What does your mother do?》Family PPT课件:

《What does your mother do?》Family PPT课件,共21页。 What does your mother do? She is an art teacher. What does your father do? He is a teacher. ... ... ... 你争我抢 a t..

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《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash动画下载:

《What does your mother do?》SectionD Flash动画下载 本课件为课程学习的配套Flash动画课件,适合小学英语学习。 关键词:仁爱版七年级册上册英语Flash动画课件免费下载,《What do..


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