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《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件3

《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件3《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件3

《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件3

on sports day 

I’m going to…

run ,  jump, swim, dance, draw, fly, 

read , drink milk, take pictures, 

row a boat , listen to music ,

do taijiquan , play football , 

play basketball

Are you going to…?

... ... ...

Choose .

1. _____you going to have a sports day?

A. Is        B. Are   

2. I’m going to run the_____.

A. 100 metre     B. 100 metres 

3. I’m going to run_____.

A. in the park    B. on the lake

4. ---Goodbye, Daming! Good luck!

--- _____!

A. You’re welcome    B. Thank you   

2. We_____going to run the 100 metres.

A. is        B. are

3. I’m the_____ .

A. winner    B. winer

... ... ...


sports day  win  month

hundred   metre  come on

day  luck  good luck  every

Are you going to run on sports day?

Yes, I’m going to run the 100 metres.

Good luck!  Come on!

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《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件4:

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《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件2 New words: sports day 运动日 win 胜利,取胜 month 月 hundred 一百 metre 米(长度单位) day 一天,一日 every 每个,每一 luc..

《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件:

《Are you going to run on Sports Day?》PPT课件 good luck sports day 运动日 win 胜利,取胜 month 月 hundred 一百 metre 米 every 每个,每一 day 一天 一日 luck 运气 chant Ar..


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