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《My parents》PPT课件

《My parents》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《My parents》PPT课件《My parents》PPT课件《My parents》PPT课件

《My parents》PPT课件

第一部分内容:Look  and  read

teacher  fireman

cook  policeman

nurse  bus driver


Think and say

What does your father do?

What does your mother do?

My father is a …

My mother is a …

... ... ...

《My parents》PPT,第二部分内容:Think and answer

1. What does Jill’s father do?

2. What does Jill’s mother do?

What do Jill’s parents do?

Jill’s father is a ______.

Jill’s mother is a _______. 

Look  and  read

Who is he? 

He is Jill’s father. 

What does he do? 

He is a fireman. 

Who is she?

She is Jill’s mother.

What does she do?

She is a nurse.

... ... ...

《My parents》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework


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