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《My future》PPT

《My future》PPT 详细介绍:

《My future》PPT《My future》PPT《My future》PPT

《My future》PPT


teacher [ti:tʃə(r)]   n. 教师,教员,老师

doctor  [dɒktə(r)]   n.博士; 医生,大夫

nurse [nɜ:rs] n.护士,看护; 奶妈,保姆

driver [draɪvɚ] 



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《My future》PPT第二部分内容:listen and say

Ms Guo: What do you want to be, children?

One day, a chick falls into the lake! A life-  guard jumps into the lake. Froggy jumps  into the lake too. They save the chick.

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《My future》PPT,第三部分内容:Summary

What do you want to be?

I want to be_____.

I want to ___________.

Do you want to be a ______?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. 

关键词:上海教育版五年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《My future》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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