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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件13

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件13 详细介绍:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件13《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件13

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件13


1. Write down these phrases. 

1) 为……做准备 prepare for …

2) 得了流感 have the flu

3) 去见朋友 meet the friends

4) 当然,我愿意去 Sure. I’d love to. 

5) 太多作业 too much homework

2. Make an invitation to your friends.  

— hang out, tonight;  

— study for a math test

— play tennis;  

— not free, go to the doctor

— come to my party;   

— I love to.

... ... ...

1. — What day is it today?

— It’s Tuesday. 

2. — What day was it yesterday?

— It was Monday.

3. — What day is it tomorrow?

— It’s Wednesday.

4. — What day is it the day after tomorrow?

— It’s Thursday.

... ... ...

1. Today I'm very busy, but she is _______(空闲的).

2. They are studying for a _______ ______. (数学测验).

3. I get his __________ (邀请) but I can’t go.

4. I have too _________(多) homework to do.

5. Mr. King sometimes goes to the_________ (音乐会).


1. — Can you come to play soccer with me?

— __________.

A. I can  B. That's all right  C. Sure. I'd love to

2. He can go with you, but I _______.

A. am not          B. can't C. don't

3. What are you doing _____ Monday morning?

A. on B. at C. in

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《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件20:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件20 1) bring to 把带来 2) take a trip去旅行 3) think of 认为 4) without doing sth. 没有做某事 5) so that 以便于;目的是 6) look forward..

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件19:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件19 New words 1. invitation n. 邀请;请柬 preparation n. 准备;准备工作 动词+ ion (后缀)invitation 动词+ ion (后缀) preparation e.g. Sh..

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件18:

《Can you come to my party?》PPT课件18 Revision 1. Write down these phrases. 1) 为做准备 ___________ 2) 得了流感 ___________ 3) 去见朋友 ______________ 4) 当然,我愿意去 ..


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