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《I go by train》PPT课件

《I go by train》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《I go by train》PPT课件《I go by train》PPT课件

《I go by train》PPT课件

How do you go to school ?

I walk to school.

I go to school by bike.

I go to school by bus.

I go to school by car.


by car, by car, 嘀 嘀 嘀. 

by bus, by bus, 嘟 嘟 嘟. 

by bike, by bike,叮 铃 铃. 

walk , walk, one two one. 

walk, walk, one two one. 

... ... ...


It’s not a bird. It can fly in the sky. 

It’s very big. What is it?

It lives in the sea. It can swim. 

But it’s not a fish. It’s a traffic tool.(交通工具)

Please tell me“What is it?”

... ... ...

We can by ship on the sea.

Go to Hainan on holiday.

We can pick the coconuts.

You can row the boat.


1. Write "Ss Tt Uu" on your books;

2. Read the text 3 times ;

3. Talk about your winter holiday.

关键词:《I go by train》教学课件,外研版一起点二年级上册英语课件,二年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I go by train》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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