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《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件

《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件

《A Gift for Little Zeke》Did You Have a Nice Trip? PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Look and ask

Read P1-2 and answer  

1.Where does Little Zeke live?  

Little Zeke lives in Emma’s desk.

2.Where does Little Zeke sleep?  

Little Zeke sleeps in the sock.

3.What does Tess put for Little  Zeke in the morning?  

A hamburger and some milk.

Read P3 and underline the answer 

This evening, Little Zeke feels sad. Why?

Emma’s class had a party. Mrs. Jones had gifts for everyone. Was there a gift for Little Zeke? No.

... ... ...

A Gift for Little ZekePPT,第二部分内容:Listen and repeat.

This evening, Little Zeke feels sad. Why?

Emma’s class had a party. Mrs. Jones had gifts for everyone. Was there a gift for Little Zeke? No. Mrs. Jones had a book for Tom. Tom liked it.

This book is for you.

Thanks, Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones had a red ball for Emma.

Emma played with her ball.

This ball is for you.

Thank you, Mrs. Jones.

... ... ...

A Gift for Little ZekePPT,第三部分内容:Homework

Retell the story with your classmates. 


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