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首页 > PPT课件 > 英语课件 > 鲁科版五年级英语上册 > 《When is your birthday?》Birthday MP3音频课件

《When is your birthday?》Birthday MP3音频课件

《When is your birthday?》Birthday MP3音频课件 详细介绍:

《When is your birthday?》Birthday MP3课文朗读音频课件

关键词:鲁科版英语五年级上册MP3音频课件免费下载,When is your birthday? MP3下载,Birthday MP3下载,.MP3格式;

更多关于《 birthday when_is_your_birthday 》PPT课件, 请点击 birthdayPPTwhen_is_your_birthdayPPT标签。

《When is your birthday?》Birthday PPT课件:

《When is your birthday?》Birthday PPT课件,共15页。 twelve months January February March April May June July ... ... ... I can say .( 我会说!) 一月一月 January 二月二..

《When is your birthday?》Birthday PPT:

《When is your birthday?》Birthday PPT,共28页。 Which month do you like? Why? How many months? Twelve. They are having a birthday party. When is your birthday, Li Ming? ..

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT免费课件:

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT免费课件 第一部分内容:New words leap n.v.跳;跳跃 seventh num.第七 July n.七月 eighth num.第八 August n.八月 September n.九月..


《When is your birthday?》Birthday MP3音频课件 下载地址:


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